

Get Premium Mods for Cartonfall via the AzzaMods Launcher. There are 7 mods available right now for Cartonfall in the AzzaMods Launcher.

It was another night shift at your job in a warehouse when a madman with a box on his head took control over the complex. Now you are under his control to get out of here you have to solve his wicked riddles and smash through his weird cardboard structures by using anything you find in the boxes


This game has 7 mods across 3 modpacks.

Grab unlimited health so you no longer die start unlocking doors without keys and instantly win any level with this essentials pack
  • Unlimited Health
    Gives you unlimited HP preventing you from dying
  • Unlock Doors With No Key
    Unlock doors by standing next to them. No key will be required to open doors anymore. Works on most doors. Will require you to touch a door multiple times in cases where there is more than one padlock
  • Win Level
    Instantly win the current level
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Item Manager
Grab unlimited items with this mod. Access the items menu using Q and spawn as many items as you want. This mod gives you 10 of each item and will refill the stock if you use any
  • Unlimited Items
    Ensures that you have at least 10 of every item in the game allowing you to spawn unlimited items using the Q menu
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No Clip
No clip allows you to fly around through walls and go pretty much anywhere at super fast speeds. Explore the map and make new discoveries
  • No Clip
    Allows you to fly around the map in no clip mode
  • Normal No Clip Speed
    This is the speed of no clip when you arent holding down the sprint key
  • Sprinting No Clip Speed
    This is the speed of no clip when you are holding down the sprint key
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