Last Updated Wednesday, February 23, 2022



Enhance your Muck experience with these essential mods. Unlock all the items and stations that are available in the game. Prevent damage give yourself unlimited health stamina and stop hunger. Instantly revive all players change your max run and walk speeds to travel across the island faster than ever before. Give yourself infinite coins so you can unlock every chest in the map. Make all crafting options always available to so you can craft anything and everything. Give yourself an infinite number of any item or powerup in the game. Gain infinite jumps and reach new heights or get clear from monsters. Want to win the game. Upgrade your boat for free with this mod

Overview Video
This modpack contains the following mods

Unlock All Items and Stations

Press this to unlock all items and stations

Revive All Players

Attempts to revive all players on the server

Kill All Mobs

Press this to kill every mob that is currently on the server. This works best if youre the host

Prevent Mob Spawning

Prevents hostile mobs/monsters from spawning. This wont kill mobs that have already spawned

No Damage

Prevents any players from taking damage

Full HP

Sets your HP to match your full HP

Full Stamina

Gives you unlimited stamina

Full Hunger

Ensure your hunger bar remains full

Max Run Speed

The max run speed you can achieve. The default is 13

Max Walk Speed

The max walk speed you can achieve. The default is 6.5

Infinite Jumps

Give you an endless number of jumps

Override Total Coins

Override the total number of coins you have. You need to enable the toggle for this to apply

Can Always Craft

Allows you to craft things even if you dont have enough items to craft it. This will still use items if you do have them

Free Boat Upgrades

This will allow you to repair the boat even if you dont have enough resources

Item To Give

The item to give when giving an item

Item Give Count

The number of a given item to give

Give Item

Give you an item based on the item selected from the dropdown menu

Powerup To Give

The powerup to give when giving a powerup

Powerup Give Count

The number of a given powerup to give

Give Powerup

Give you an powerup based on the powerup selected from the dropdown menu

Skip Tutorial

Will prevent the tutorial from coming up or close the tutorial if it has already started