
Slime Rancher

Get Premium Mods for Slime Rancher via the AzzaMods Launcher. There are 20 mods available right now for Slime Rancher in the AzzaMods Launcher.

Slime Rancher is the tale of Beatrix LeBeau a plucky young rancher who sets out for a life a thousand light years away from Earth on the Far Far Range where she tries her hand at making a living wrangling slimes


This game has 20 mods across 3 modpacks.

Want unlimited health and stamina. Want to stop yourself from getting affected by radiation. Grab this essentials pack to get started with modding
  • Unlimited Health
    Give yourself unlimited health preventing it from decreasing and ensuring it always stays full
  • Unlimited Stamina
    Give yourself unlimited stamina preventing it from decreasing and ensuring it always stays full
  • No Radiation
    Ensure your radiation stays on zero
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Inventory Manager
Allows you to manage your inventory giving yourself unlimited ammo and allowing you to duplicate items. Give yourself unlimited keys and currency. Change all your water to be magic water
  • Keys
    Control the number of keys you have. Enable the lock to prevent the number of keys you have from changing
  • Currency
    Control the amount of currency you have. Enable the lock to prevent your currency from changing
  • Unlimited Ammo All Slots
    Prevent your ammo from decreasing when shooting your gun. This essentially allows you to duplicate items and slimes. This applies to all slots at once and takes priority
  • Unlimited Ammo Slot 1
    Prevent your ammo from decreasing when shooting your gun. This essentially allows you to duplicate items and slimes. This applies to only slot 1
  • Unlimited Ammo Slot 2
    Prevent your ammo from decreasing when shooting your gun. This essentially allows you to duplicate items and slimes. This applies to only slot 2
  • Unlimited Ammo Slot 3
    Prevent your ammo from decreasing when shooting your gun. This essentially allows you to duplicate items and slimes. This applies to only slot 3
  • Unlimited Ammo Slot 4
    Prevent your ammo from decreasing when shooting your gun. This essentially allows you to duplicate items and slimes. This applies to only slot 4
  • Unlimited Magic Water
    Modifies your water to be magic water while this option is enabled. You need to actually have water for this to do anything
  • Slime Slot 1
    Set which Slime is in slot 1. Setting this to Unchanged will allow the slot to function as normal. This will also ensure you have at least one of this item in your slot
  • Slime Slot 2
    Set which Slime is in slot 2. Setting this to Unchanged will allow the slot to function as normal. This will also ensure you have at least one of this item in your slot
  • Slime Slot 3
    Set which Slime is in slot 3. Setting this to Unchanged will allow the slot to function as normal. This will also ensure you have at least one of this item in your slot
  • Slime Slot 4
    Set which Slime is in slot 4. Setting this to Unchanged will allow the slot to function as normal. This will also ensure you have at least one of this item in your slot
  • Refresh Slimes
    Refresh the list of slimes that can be set using the Slime Slot n options
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No Clip
Want to fly around in no clip mode. This mod adds a no clip mode that allows you to fly around anywhere
  • No Clip
    Allows you to fly around the map in no clip mode
  • Normal No Clip Speed
    This is the speed of no clip when you arent holding down the sprint key
  • Sprinting No Clip Speed
    This is the speed of no clip when you are holding down the sprint key
  • Use Free Fly Instead of No Clip
    Changes the no clip to use free fly instead
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