Last Updated Thursday, November 11, 2021



Want access to weapons at any time. Want to enable god mode and explore the level. Want unlimited ammo so you can shoot everything. Having trouble with enemies. Try our kill all enemies option. This pack will get you started

Overview Video
This modpack contains the following mods

Give Katana

Gives you a Katana

Give Pistol

Gives you a Pistol

Give Assault Rifle

Gives you a Assault Rifle

Give Shotgun

Gives you a Shotgun

Enable God Mode

Enables god mode preventing you from dying

Unlimited Ammo

Gives you unlimited ammo setting your ammo to 1 when you shoot if you are out of ammo

Disable AI

Disables AI preventing them from taking new actions. The AI will continue to execute what ever it was currently doing

Kill All Enemies

Explodes every enemy in the scene

Add Hotkeys To Change Weapons

Adds bindings to 1 through 4 to change weapons. Any current weapon you have will be thrown and replaced with a new weapon. 1 is Katana 2 is Pistol 3 is Assault Rifle and 4 is a Shotgun

Treat Tutorial As Completed

Tells the game that youve completed all the tutorial sections