Last Updated Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Equipment Manager

Amazing Frog? (Legacy)

Want to customise your frog. This mod pack allows you to manage the equipment for your Amazing Frog

Overview Video
This modpack contains the following mods


none admiral amazing ballet bat biscuit bob boba bond brian cat cop cosplaya cosplayb cosplayc cosplayd cowboy craft darth dayman deadpond disco electrorat fly gaz gingerbreadman grinch hal hawaiian heart jack joker kermit link liono lizard major mime monarch nightman penguin plumbera plumberb rave retro robber santa satan satun screw scuba skyrim snowman space spider star titan totoro trump wally willow wolverine zoidberg

Left Hand Accessory

nothing admiralshield finger pickaxe plunger

Hat Accessory

nothing afro bandanaA bandanaB bandanaC bandanaD beret blackcap bluecap greencap yellowcap linkhat nypdhat princesshat wizardhat santahat spacehelmet tophat skyrimhat monarchcrown monarchface mohawk bobahelmet briannose cathat halhoodie willowhoodie bobhoodie cathead spacecathead tvhead anthead fedora fedorapoop capamazingfrog capfightingfrogs capfrogface capfrogpark capgems captimetrials capunicorn capknockdown capssp sharkhat deadlytsharkhat capfrogmilk AudioZombie egghat crownhat conehat antheaddead antlers trumphair capbunny flyhead flyheadspace flyheadhat poophead poopheadsad sharkhatred alligatorhat tophatwhite pighead pigheadzombie pumpkinhead horns saturnhead grinchhair snowmanhat pilothat pilothatbloody

Mask Accessory

nothing scubamask santabeard carrotnose facemask facemaskblue facemaskgreen facemaskpig facemaskbecareful facemaskfart facemaskstayback

Face Accessory

nothing sunglasses wallyglasses designerspecs

Right Hand Accessory

nothing wolverineclawright placardA placardB placardC placardD placardE placardF placardG placardH placardPIG placardPIGZOMBIE

Hips Accessory

nothing tutu briantail lizardtail cookietutu electrotail

Left Shin Accessory

nothing skyrimarrow

Right Wrist Accessory

nothing bracelet

Back Accessory

nothing gazhoodie bobajetpac balloonjetpac flypac

Hair Accessory

nothing bobhair