Last Updated Friday, April 1, 2022

Map Editor

Feed and Grow Fish

A basic terrain editor that allows you modify the terrain of a map

This modpack contains the following mods

Enable Map Editor

Enable this option to edit the terrain of the map in real time. Use left click to activate the selected tool

Brush Width

Control the width of the brush. This controls how big of an area will be affected when you use certain tools. This will cause lag if you set the value too high

Brush Height

Control the height of the brush. This controls how big of an area will be affected when you use certain tools. This will cause lag if you set the value too high

Sync Brush Size

This will cause the width and height of the brush to be synced with each other

Brush Strength

Controls how fast the terrain will change when using tools. A larger value will make the terrain move faster. The default value is 0.1

Map Editor Tool

Select a tool which can be used using left click when the Enable Map Editor option is selected. Raise Terrain can be used to rain the height of the terrain. Lower Terrain can be used to lower the height of the terrain. Average Terrain requires a bigger brush size and will move all the terrain you are editing towards the average height of all the points you are changing. Max Average Terrain is similar to average terrain except that it moves the terrain towards the highest point that youre changing. Min Average Terrain is similar to average terrain except that it moves the terrain towards the lowest point that youre changing. Sample Terrain will copy the height at the given point. Apply Sample Height will modify the height of the terrain towards the sampled height. Apply Sample Height will modify the height of the terrain to instantly be the sampled height. The sampled height can also be set directly with the Sample Height option

Sample Height

The sample height that is applied when using the Set Sample Height tool